Turkish deputy slams EU response to failed coup
If the coup attempt occurred in Europe, state would adopt totalitarianism model, AK Party deputy Yeneroglu says. The remarks by ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party deputy Mustafa Yeneroglu came as he evaluated the July 15 post-coup bid developments overseas in an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency. “A terrorist organization attempts to overthrow a government, but the European countries wait first,” Yeneroglu said, emphasizing that the initial reactions were indifferent toward the deadly putsch attempt. Please click for continue to read full article: http://aa.com.tr/en/t
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Mustafa Yeneroğlu: Anti-Turkish attitudes in Europe are due to Turkey demanding equal footing in relations
Chairman Yeneroğlu of Parliament’s Human Rights Investigations Committee said anti-Turkish attitudes in Europe, which have overlapped with the rise of far-right politics, are due to Turkey demanding equal footing in relations with Europe As the German Bundestag approved last week the draft legislation which defines the 1915 incidents as “genocide,” relations between Turkey and Germany continue to be tense. Daily Sabah spoke with Mustafa Yeneroğlu, the chairman of parliament’s Human Rights Investigation Committee, who has resided in Germany for a lengthy period of time
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Armenier-Resolution – “Man muss Belege für die Behauptung haben”
Der Bundestag bezeichnet die Massaker an den Armeniern während des Ersten Weltkriegs offiziell als Völkermord. Nach Ansicht von Mustafa Yeneroglu (AKP) sei kein Parlamentarier in der Lage, die damaligen Ereignisse so zu beurteilen, dass daraus unzweifelhafte juristische Schlüsse gezogen werden könnten. Eine systematische Zerstörungsabsicht sei nicht nachzuweisen, sagte er im DLF. Dirk-Oliver Heckmann: Schon im vergangenen Jahr wollte der Bundestag eine Resolution verabschieden, anlässlich des 100. Jahrestages der Massaker an den Armeniern, und schon damals sollte der Begriff “Völk
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Erdogan-Talk bei “Anne Will”: Türkisch für Fortgeschrittene
Stimmt unser Bild von der Türkei und ihrem Präsidenten Erdogan? Darüber diskutierte Anne Will mit ihren Gästen – und lieferte eine bemerkenswerte Lehrstunde ab, die immerhin versöhnlich endete… Spiegel Welt Focus Focus Der Westen Rheinische Post n-tv Bild Süddeutsche Zeitung Tagesspiegel Stern NOZ Morgenpost gmx.at t-online Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Huffington Post
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Avrupa, negatif İslam algısından besleniyor
Anayasa hukuku, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM) mevzuatı, diaspora ve din politikaları alanlarında çalışmalarını sürdürürken milletvekilliğine de soyunan Mustafa Yeneroğlu, “Avrupa’nın kendi iddiaları bağlamında ciddi kırılmalar yaşadığını ve Müslümanlar söz konusu olduğunda temel hakların politize edildiğini görüyoruz.” dedi.AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili ve İnsan Haklarını İnceleme Komisyonu Başkanı Yeneroğlu, “Avrupa’daki İslam düşmanlığı, Avrupa kültür mirasında da saklı olan negatif İslam algısından besleniyor
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